Thanks to our international audience. Please note that the translations of the Volere template have been done by interested people for use in their own projects. This means that the translations are not certified translations. In some cases they are not translations of the latest version of the Template. Please check the English versionfor the latest release.
Português Do Brasil Marcelo Antonio Corrêa has kindly produced a Brazilian Portuguese translation of version 14 of the template.
Nederlands Peter Doomen has translated the Requirements Specification Template into Dutch.
Polski Bartosz Andrzejewski has posted a new translation of version 14 in Polish.
Español Thanks to Paul Babic of Smartmatic for the Spanish translation.
Français A partial translation of the Volere requirements template is available in French. Thanks to Céline Décosse of Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor in Luxembourg for doing the translation.
Česky The Volere Template is available in Czech. Thanks to Jana Hatasova of Eurotel for the translation.