Masters in Innovation, Creativity and Leadership is a new course given by City University, London.This course offers an opportunity to study Innovation, Creativity and Leadership from a fully rounded, interdisciplinary perspective, learning from international leaders in each of the disciplines.
IDEO This is the legendary industrial design and consultancy company. Their designs are innovative and downright clever. Tom Kelley of IDEO wrote The Art of Innovation, recommended reading.
One of IEEE Software’s top picks Provoking Creativity: Imagine What Your Requirements Could be Like by Neil Maiden, Suzanne Robertson and Alexis Gizikis. PDF download.
Fast Company magazine has many articles about innovative companies and their innovations.
Wired magazine is another that presents innovations, products and interesting stories. Most of the magazine will be of interest to people who are attracted to innovation. There is now a UK edition.
MIT media lab is always a hotbed of innovation.
Business Week has an innovation page worth following.
5 Questions That Kill Innovation: A How-to Guide.
Rob Austin combines his extensive knowledge of theater for many practical business purposes. Why managing innovation is like theatre.
More innovation than you can read at Alltop.
Roger von Oech’s Creative Think site. Roger’s blog is worth reading. We make use of von Oech’s roles of innovation – Explorer, Artist, Evaluator and Warrior.
Understanding the Process of Innovation by Loren Gray. A Harvard Business School Working Knowledge paper.
How innovative is your city? McKinsey Digital has released a new innovation study of the world’s leading cities, grouping them into one of four different categories — “hot springs,” “dynamic oceans,” “silent lakes,” and “shrinking pools.”
Lessons not Learned About Innovation. Q&A with Rosabeth Moss Kanter.
Check the design innovations from BMW USA.
Graphics Made Easy. I like these people’s approach. It is for people who think they cannot draw.
Einstein’s Secret to Amazing Problem Solving (and 10 Specific Ways You Can Use It)
David Pogue writes pretty technology reviews for the New York Times. These are interesting from the point of view of innovation. The ever-alliterative David also writes Pogue’s Pages.
Node magazine contains several William Gibson articles.
The back of the napkin. This is interesting for people who should be drawing. That is you. Yes, you. Don’t look away! Click now.