Our Resources

Information that we, and we hope you, find useful for our requirements and innovation work.


These are the books that we recommend for requirements, innovation and general thinking work.


These are writings on various subjects from your Volere authors, and from others who make a notable contribution to the literature.

Video Training

We have released a 13 hour complete video course. This and other video offerings are here.

Requirements Tools

These are automated requirements recording and management tools. Naturally they vary in capabilities, so short reviews are presented.

Requirements Resources

are links to information, techniques forums and other requirements sites. There is a wealth of information about requirements.

Innovation Resources

are links to people and places that are stimulating. They might provoke a great idea for you

Frequently Asked Questions

page comes from the things that Volere users ask us. FAQs are usually an easy and accessible learning resource.

Experiences of Volere Users

lets you see some of the results people have achieved using the Volere way of thinking. Thanks to all the clients who have sent us their experiences.

The Volere People

page tells you about the instructors and consultants who are your Volere experts.


The Volere courses have proved to be universally popular. Some organizations, especially large ones

Consulting Clinics

A project clinic is a way of keeping your project healthy.

Requirements Reviews

The requirements document is the foundation for remainder of the software development.

Requirements Process Design

When Suzanne and James Robertson designed their acclaimed Volere requirements process.
