Salamander’s MooD technology is the leading software platform for Enterprise Performance Governance.  Through Salamander’s track record as a software innovator that has stayed close to the needs of its customers and partners, MooD has been able to establish the market for architecture-driven business solutions that support common understanding and decision effectiveness in complex environments.

Gartner, Ovum, Butler and Forrester have all recognised MooD as a significant force in architecture enabled software, fully supporting MODAF, certified by TOGAF, and used by a growing number of global businesses as the basis of solutions for technology audit and architecture, business architecture, business value management, devolved operational governance and decision effectiveness. It is the sole tool in the ‘Innovator’ quadrant of Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, due to its approach to translating EA into business value and presenting that in meaningful ways for specific audiences.

MooD comprises two main components, MooD Business Architect and MooD Active Enterprise.  Business Architect is the name of the product used by individuals and teams of architects, systems engineers, analysts and other professionals to build, configure and maintain architectural enabled solutions.

MooD solutions are deployed using an advanced server based environment known as MooD Active Enterprise.  Active Enterprise is used to provide the following discrete functions:

  • Data Management: a technically novel and deeply configurable meta model, with associated query language, that allows the interplay of architecture framework and metrics framework
  • Data Synchronisation: the ability to synchronise and exchange operational and planning data from familiar Office documents or enterprise systems through simple mappings configured through Business Architect
  • Deployment and Presentation: a distinctive ‘panels’ technology that allows a ‘model canvas’ configured in Business Architect to be exploited as a functionally rich user interface into an architecture driven business solution, giving an unprecedented flexibility and quality of user experience and the possibility of support for processes that stretch beyond architecture and analysis and into the management of change within a business

“By addressing the business need for improved accountability over major strategic and planning decisions through the use of MooD Solutions that are developed in conjunction with its customers and partners, Butler Group believes Salamander differentiates itself well from most other vendors whose focus usually lies either in modelling or analytics.”
